Geshan Manandhar

About Geshan  
Geshan is a seasoned software engineer, with over 16 years of software engineering experience.

Currently, in Sydney, Australia serving Simply Wall St. as a senior software engineer. He is a language-agnostic software engineer who believes the value provided to the business is more important than the choice of language or framework. With a keen interest in REST architecture, microservices, agile software engineering, and serverless, he has spoken at tech conferences in the Middle East, Europe, the United States, and Australia. He is actively involved with the developer community and is a Google Developer Expert (GDE) for the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Blogging since 2007, he has a well-maintained tech blog where he shares his views and ideas.

Embrace feature flags, unlock better customer experience and developer confidence

Digital Product & Startup Dev Stories

To stay ahead, focus on providing an excellent customer experience. Remember, deploying code is just a technical task while releasing a new feature is a business process. Big releases can be risky, so use feature flags to limit any potential issues and ensure smoother releases.

In this talk, you’ll discover how we used feature flags in real-life situations, such as gradually releasing stock portfolios linked to brokers to thousands of users. You will learn how we applied feature flags to manage limits on those portfolios incrementally and safely. Hear about over a decade-long experience using feature flags spanning multiple companies and tools.

Adopting a feature flag mindset is key to improving customer experiences and boosting developer confidence. You’ll learn how to release features step-by-step: first to your team, then to the whole company, and after that, starting with just 1% of customers and gradually expanding to all customers. Join this session to understand how to safely test major features on production with almost no customer impact while keeping developers (yourself) happy.


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